

Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

C-3 (General Commercial)

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

4718 Old Broadway

Northeast side Old Broadway, southwest side N. Broadway, northwest of Tazewell Pike

Council District 4
Census Tract 43

6,000 square feet

North City

Land Use Designation? STPA

Currently on the Property
Vacant land

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
RECOMMEND that City Council APPROVE C-3 (General Commercial) zoning. (Applicant requested C-4.)
The predominant commercial zoning in the area is C-3. C-3 is a logical extension of zoning from the south, and will allow reasonable use of the property for a small office or business. C-4 zoning for this site would be a spot zoning, allowing this property to be developed with more intense uses than the surrounding properties.
Disposition Summary
C-3 (General Commercial)

What's next?

After the Planning Commission
This Rezoning case in the City was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - October 27, 2017 has passed.

DeAnna Alexi and Chris Pollock

Case History